Number Base Converter

Decimal: Base:
Table Activated
Base Base String
2 (binary) 01
10 (decimal) 0123456789
16 (hexadecimal) 0123456789abcdef
36 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

You don't have to use conventional characters, just don't use the same character twice.

Base Base String
2 (xo binary system) xo
2 (abinary) ab
3 God
4 MeGa
4 Quad
4 dAmN
5 !@#$%
5 what?
5 bozwa
6 smiley
7 (broke the rule) bizzaro
10 (reverse decimal) 9876543210
16 (malidecimal) 0123456789malice